A Holacracy practitioner walking the road towards organizational clarity, represented as a sun rising in the distance.

Become a GlassFrog Affiliate!

Turn your client referrals into revenue with the GlassFrog affiliate program. Free to join and earn 20% recurring on all paid referrals.

Why become a GlassFrog Affiliate? 

GlassFrog was built by the same people who created Holacracy, the most widespread self-management framework in the world today, along with seasoned pioneers and coaches in many other methodologies.
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20% recurring commission

Unlock the potential of your clients like never before with a 20% recurring commission for up to one year.
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Reliable support

Count on our team and expertise for support – our partnership goes beyond an approved application.
GlassFrog branded circle icon with an employee role on a clipboard

Performance tracking

Enhance your promotions with custom tracking parameters and gain valuable insights through highly adjustable reports.

How to get started

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Join the program
Once you apply to the program, we'll review your application and contact you within 2-3 business days. The program is free to join and we will be expanding our library of supporting assets.  
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Promote GlassFrog
Use your affiliate links while coaching or consulting with organizations. Combine your expertise with the expert support of the GlassFrog to make promoting self-management and agile practices easy.
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Get paid
Earn recurring revenue share for every qualifying customer you refer. Our cookie window for referrals is up to six months, and you earn a 20% recurring commission for the first year of your referral contract.